인문대학 박사과정
Łódź, 폴란드
4 Years
영어, 광택
풀 타임, 아르바이트
신청 마감
요청 신청 마감일
가장 빠른 시작 날짜
Oct 2025
수업료 요청
연구 형식
University of Lodz 인문학 박사 과정은 다음 분야의 논문을 준비하는 인문학 박사 학위를 추구하는 사람들에게 지원과 지침을 제공합니다.
- 고고학
- 역사
- 철학
- 언어학
- 문학 연구
- 문화 및 종교 연구
- 미술 연구
- 민족학 및 문화인류학(2024/2025학년도부터)
연구 커리큘럼을 통해 개인 및 팀 학제간 조건에서 선택된 인문학 분야 분야의 연구를 수행할 수 있습니다.
학제간 환경에서 선택한 과학 분야 분야에 대한 지식을 심화할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 주어진 분야와 관련된 역량을 더 넓은 맥락에서 배치할 수 있으며, 연구 및 교육 워크샵을 개발하고 소프트한 기술을 습득하게 됩니다. 학문적 업무뿐만 아니라 학문적이지 않은 전문적 활동에서도 미래에 사용될 수 있는 기술입니다.
우치대학교 인문학 박사과정을 졸업하고 박사 논문을 옹호한 후 졸업생은 고고학, 역사, 철학, 언어 지식, 문학 연구, 문화 및 종교 연구, 미술 등 8개 분야 중 하나에서 인문학 박사 학위를 받습니다. 연구, 민족학, 문화 인류학.
학업은 8학기 동안 진행되며 풀타임으로 진행됩니다(수업은 근무일 중에 진행됩니다). 무료입니다.
장학금 및 기금
Under Article 209 Clause 4 of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws 2023, item 742, amended) the amount of monthly doctoral scholarship should be at least:
- 37% of a professor’s salary – gross amount of PLN 3466,90 – up to the month in which the mid-term evaluation was conducted
- 57% of a professor’s salary – gross amount of PLN 5340,90 – after the month in which the mid-term evaluation was conducted
for doctoral students with certified disability the above amount is raised to PLN 4506,97 and PLN 6380,97 respectively.
Doctoral students may also take up employment as academic/research staff or in any other capacity.
However, a doctoral scholarship will not be awarded to a doctoral student whose:
- curriculum at a doctoral school involves a mandatory employment contract in an entity running that doctoral school,
- employment contract provides a remuneration exceeding the amount of the minimum monthly professor’s salary (currently PLN 9 370.00 gross)
As a candidate, you are required to inform the Secretary of the Doctoral School if:
- You have already been a doctoral student at another doctoral school (even for a short period) and have received a doctoral scholarship there. You are entitled to the scholarship for a total of 48 months of curriculum carried out at any doctoral school(s). After 48 months, even if you continue to study at our school, you will not be entitled to a doctoral scholarship any longer
- You obtain a doctoral degree at another university. Then you lose the right to your doctoral scholarship at the UL because a person with an already conferred doctoral degree cannot receive the scholarship.
The doctoral scholarship is not subject to income tax. However, doctoral students studying at doctoral schools and receiving doctoral scholarships are covered by compulsory pensions and accident insurance. Sickness insurance is voluntary.
A doctoral student may apply for a student loan. The provisions on student loans shall apply accordingly, except that:
- The loan may be obtained by a doctoral student under the age of 35
- The loan shall be granted for the duration of training at the doctoral school only once and for no longer than 4 years.
Compulsory Classes - 214 hrs + Teaching internships
- Doctoral seminar 1 – tutorial with doctoral supervisor
- Doctoral Seminar 2 – Research Seminar
- Interdisciplinary open seminar
- Higher education Didactics 1
- Higher education Didactics 2
- Ethical and legal aspects of scientific research 1
- Ethical and legal aspects of scientific research 2
- Science funding and knowledge transfer 1
- Science funding and knowledge transfer 2
- Teaching practices